#5: Clark's Oyster Bar

The Bar

Clark's Oyster Bar. 1200 W 6th St, Austin, TX 78703

Visited 1/14/17 at 9:30pm.

The Drink

The Port of Mahón. Gin, amaro, celery, cucumber, and soda. $11.

One of the best things about asking each server/bartender for "the best drink in the house" is seeing how differently each answers the question. Our bartender ran through a few different drink scenarios for me, but unlike the Kobayashi Maru, here there were no wrong answers. Gin is my liquor, and this gin vehicle was superb.

The Crew

Travis, Aaron.


My mom is the oyster connoisseur in the family; I'm more of a "dump enough horseradish and lemon juice on it to make it palatable" kind of guy. However, we partook of an oyster each while we were here and didn't regret it one bit. Though nearly $4 each, these were quite tasty, and if you're willing to pay that price in order to get the straight-from-New-England finest, I'd place them among the best in the city. They served theirs with a vinegar sauce that I've never had before, and we also got some truly excellent bread.

We sat at the bar counter right next to the open kitchen. Open kitchen designs are always interesting to me, as you get a little show along with your meal (they do have traditional seating as well as a patio, but this isn't a restaurant review series!). Flanked by the grill and a full fishtank, we chatted with the bartender when she wasn't busy mixing other drinks and moved on to our next stop.
