The Bar
Darwin's. 223 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701
Visited 2/18/17 @ 4:30pm.
The Drink
Austin Beerworks Pearl Snap. $5.
Pearl Snap is a pilsner, one of the most popular lager styles. Austin Beerworks does great work in general, and Pearl Snap is one of my favorite pilsners; maybe even my most favorite. Even though to a drinker a pilsner looks (and tastes) fairly light, it's a difficult style for a brewery to master, because any flaws in the process will be right up front. A great beer choice.
The Crew
Aaron, Rome.
Darwin's has been around since 2003. It's one of those relative rarities, a bar owned by just one guy. We had the place mostly to ourselves, so we had a decent amount of time to chat with the bartenders about cities like San Francisco and Chicago, and how Austin's culture relates to theirs. It was very relaxing. Just as, within a drinking session, you occasionally need a rhythm drink to allow you to pace yourself and maintain rather than getting too amped up and burning out early, sometimes you need a rhythm bar to keep yourself in peak bar-hopping condition after a particularly intensive bar stop. It was still relatively early in the day for us, but I appreciated the easygoing character of the venue nonetheless. Music is big here during more traditional hours, and even though there wasn't anything going on at the time, and Sixth is lousy with venues, this seems like a fun place to catch one of those hyper-local shows featuring smaller musicians.
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