The Bar
Trophy Club. 308 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701
Visited 2/21/17 @ 9pm.
The Drink
Ghetto White Russian. Vodka, Kahlua, Coke, half and half. $7.
The standard name for this alternate take on the White Russian is the Colorado Bulldog, but in addition to the Coke, our bartender also swapped the cream for half and half. Hey, even The Dude made White Russians with non-standard ingredients like non-dairy creamer sometimes. The official explanation was that half and half keeps better, which sounded reasonable. There weren't very many people there but the bartender was the only one serving, and given that the typical order here is liquor pitchers, he did an admirable job answering the challenge so he could get back to serving other people their vodka sodas.
The Crew
Travis, Aaron.
You might know this bar as "that place with the mechanical bull". I would love to have followed that with "... but it's so much more!", yet the mechanical bull is so much front and center that there's not really a whole lot else to see at this venue. In that way it's possibly one of the most specialized bars on the whole street. Yes, I've paid the $5 to ride the bull, and yes, you last about 10 seconds before the guy controlling it throws you off, to the delight of the crowd. The main draw for the audience is whenever a scantily-clad girl gets on and the possibility for some crowd-pleasing nudity is raised; such are the thrills of Sixth Street. There's another room in the back for dancing, but the main floor, where all the action is happening, is almost totally devoted to the bull, so take that into account if that's not what you're looking for. I've haven't discussed bar pacing more than briefly so far, but this is definitely not a first-stop-of-the-night kind of place; save it for when the idea of liquor pitchers and redneck entertainment goes from "insane" to "we need another round". We weren't nearly at that point, and we left after about 10 whole minutes here.
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