Nina's Opinion-yas Part 3: The Blind Pig, Alamo Ritz, Maggie Mae's, Thirsty Nickel, Iron Cactus

Challenge: Where to get a taste of Christmas in February
Going to 6th street during Mardi Gras is not the best of ideas and going there when you’re old enough to know better is even an even worse one. That said, FOMO took over and I decided to join the merry band of misfits down “Dirty 6th.” We went to the Blind Pig where I made the mistake of saying I had never had a Rumplesmintz shot (a giant portion of Rumple Minze German-style peppermint schnapps). Having one of those made me quickly realize I was in for the long haul and I’d better put my seat belt on. We traipsed across the street to the Alamo Ritz where we (thought) we engaged with witty banter with the waitstaff. They said they made certain drinks based on movie themes but did not seem to appreciate it when I suggested they make a whiskey shot served in a bullet casing mold for the John Wick 2 movie. (if this ever comes to fruition, I request/demand a portion of the proceeds!). We settled on a pretty decent White Russian drink. The next few stops became a bit more forgetful with us ultimately ending up in a beer pong game at Thirsty Nickel and the epic journey to find the best  Chicken Tortilla soup.
Nina Verdict: Just ask for a RumpleMintz shot at any bar. It’s basically doing a shot of mouthwash for ~$6 but at 50% alcohol, you get your money's worth.
