#79: Voodoo Room

The Bar

Voodoo Room. 419 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78701

Visited 4/26/17 @ 11:30pm.

The Drink

Green tea shot. Jameson, peach schnapps, sweet & sour. $6.

I realized that the last time I got this at Lux, I didn't actually describe what it tasted like. Well, as you'd expect, it tastes a lot like green tea, or at least a lot like a cheap brand of generic green tea that you'd find on the bottom shelf at HEB. Sometimes you get a drink that feels like a main course and sometimes you get an appetizer, and this was the latter: a quick and tasty drink that gets you ready for more. After I had one of these I felt ready for another round, but this was unfortunately our last stop of the night.

The Crew

Aaron, Hannah, Travis, Davis.


According to the bartender, Voodoo Room and Majestic, which sits upstairs, used to be the same bar, until some kind of divorce occurred. I didn't inquire too deeply into the details of the split, because we're focused on the here and now. Voodoo Room bills itself as "A Premier Bottle Service Lounge and Club", which explains all the little VIP nooks with couches and room for bottle service. There weren't too many other people then when we visited, so by default we became the VIPs. Winning by default is still winning, I suppose. There's all kinds of eclectic decoration around the interior to enjoy while you lounge in your couches, like the icosahedral light fixtures, the giant neon American flag, the swings hanging from the roof (tragically unused during our visit but I bet they're a ton of fun), or any other attractive VIPs that might be in your general vicinity. Like I've said, I'm not really a patron of bottle service places, because they cater to the kind of people who buy bottle service, but they can be a good time in the right circumstances.
