#153: Lolo

The Bar

Lolo. 1504 E 6th St, Austin, TX 78702

Visited 3/7/20 @ 6pm.

The Drink

2018 Lirondo Verdejo white wine. $10.

I've talked before about how I feel like I have a less developed palate for wine than I do for beer, and that seems odder and lazier the more I think about it. Flavors are flavors, no matter where they come from, so why should you be less able to discern the subtleties of a grape alcohol vs a grain one? When I drank this, the sum total of my tasting notes were "drier, not sweet", which is... not exactly insightful. Awesome work, dude! Compare this to how one website describes it:
Tasting Notes: Salty, a touch yeasty but with such a refreshing citrus and pineapple springtime glow. A light maceration gifts the wine a bit more structure in the palate.
Another site describes it very similarly:
Verdejo is usually a simple, easy-drinking, fresh, fruity orange wine. A natural wine from the Rueda region just north of Spain, it's made in a style that gives it funky, floral, spicy flavors. It is made without any sulfur and with some grape skin contact to the juice, which makes the wine cloudy and a bit dark in color.
Even if both of those places are working off of the same vineyard advertising copy or something, I either just didn't notice or didn't care about the details, which is not great. Then again, perhaps some of the subtleties become apparent only with time in the same way that a seasoned beer drinker can tell if a beer is dry-hopped specifically or just really hoppy, so I need to keep working at being more of a Wine Person if I want to pick up on those things. Either way, I liked the wine, and I commit to doing a better job at trying to actually taste my wines in the future.

The Crew

Aaron, Kathryn, Neil.


Lolo replaced Gypsy Lounge, an alright but fairly unmemorable bar that I hadn't been to in years before this project started. Its replacement is valuable: the only other wine bar on Sixth is The Grove all the way over near Lamar, so it's good that wine fans out east have someplace a bit closer to them. Lolo isn't really positioned as a bar specifically for oenophiles though, instead they pitch themselves as more of a place for wine dummies such as myself to elevate my understanding of the product, with a heavy focus on natural wines (i.e. wines that don't have lots of sulfites). Wine is a famously snobby drinking subfield, where it can be difficult to consume intelligently even if you've got an open mind and an eager palate and you know what you're doing, so it was nice to visit a place as welcoming as this. Even their logo looks a bit like the smiling Mac OS Finder logo. I'd definitely recommend them as a place to drink wine and hang out, even if you're already a seasoned wine fan, since they have a nice artsy contemporary interior and a solid back patio. If you fall in love with a particular bottle they'll even sell more of it to you, so you basically can't not be a fan.
